Friday, January 12, 2007

Just wait

1 comment:

PDD said...

Yes, 10 yrs since the very first screenplay I wrote, which I eventually tossed. But ten years nonetheless. I quit my job and wrote full time. I have now completed 5 screenplays, including the one I tossed.

Did a lot of hussling with it, but with long stretches of breaks in between. Yes, I'm lazy that way.

Totally, totally get what you are saying, dear.

Confidential to everyone: BUY HARVEY AND ECK! IT IS THAT DAMN GOOD!


(Erin, I just got a call from a casting director in Vancouver calling out auditions. I am at home. It's 11:38 PM on a Friday night. Do they not know that Toronto is 3 hr difference? I wasn't even planning on hitting the computer. Jumped out of the shower and decided that I was going to crawl into bed and read a book given to me as a gift. A Jon Stewart book entitled "America (The Book) Teacher's Edition. A citizen's guide to democracy inaction". Funny fucker that guy is. But no. I get a call which distrupted my plans, and had to hit the computer to download the sides; all the material for the actor. So, after all of that, I decided to drop by, and now I am glad my original plans were disrupted, otherwise I wouldn't have droped by tonight. And now I am satisfied, as I always feel satisfied after dropping by your gates.

My lord, it sounds like I just smoked a joint. Hahaha. I didn't, in case you were wondering. I never smoke pot. Not good for me. Only booze.)

Okay, good night love.